GEN2029 Managing Soccer Clubs in a Globalized World

Common Core Curriculum Office (CCCO) > GEN2029 Managing Soccer Clubs in a Globalized World
Social Science
AY2015/16 Sem 1, AY2015/16 Sem 2, AY2016/17 Sem 1, AY2016/17 Sem 2, AY2017/18 Sem 1, AY2017/18 Sem 2, AY2018/19 Sem 1
Lecture 3 hours
2 (Social Sciences)


GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education



Module Description

The module examines how general management theories are applied to the soccer industry and examines the historical and socio-cultural development of soccer as a global sport. It also focuses on successful soccer managers and their techniques in the context of the business management model.

Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILO)

Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 
a. Examine the historical, social, political, economic and cultural factors that influence the development of soccer as a global sport;
b. Examine how the business of soccer became a global industry;
c. Apply evidence-based social science approaches to understand successful management practices from the world of soccer;
d. Evaluate how management decision-making processes are practically applied to the soccer industry;
e. Evaluate good practice in business management through a comparative perspective between soccer and other types of business; and
f. Examine human behaviours and decision-making processes on how lessons from soccer management can lead to successful business management.

Module Content

1. Introduction and Overview

1.1 Management Practices: Social Science Approach
1.2 The History of Soccer
1.3 The Business of Soccer
1.4 Soccer and Society

2. Soccer as a Global Industry

2.1 Company Management and Soccer Management
2.2 Similarities and Differences of Soccer With Other Industries

3. Management Skills I

3.1 Motivating Staff
3.2 Captaincy: Marshalling Your Team

4. Management Skills II

4.1 Helping Staff Learn
4.2 Coaching: Encouraging and Supporting Staff

5. Management Skills III

5.1 Leadership and Management
5.2 The Most Difficult Job in the World

6. Product Development and Training

6.1 To Recruit
6.2 To Develop and Retain
6.3 To Off Load or Wind Up

7. Management Challenges in Soccer

7.1 Four Models of Management
7.2 Four Challenges: Database and Information Processing; Branding and Sponsoring; Benchmarking; Insourcing and Outsourcing

Assessment Methods

1. Presentation and discussion (15%)
2. Assignments (case study) (15%)
3. Project/Essay (30%)
4. Examination (40%)

Texts & References

1. Bridgewater, Sue (2010). Football management. Basingstoke, UK: Hampshire: Palgrave.
2. Bolchover, D. & Brady, C. (2002). The 90-Minute Manager. N.J: Prentice Hall.
3. Bailey, G. (2012). Succeed Under Pressure: Converting Football Lessons into Business Success. Cape Town: Zebra Press.
4. Giulianott, Richard & Robertson, Roland (2009). Globalization and football. London: Sage.
5. Kreilgaard, P. (2010) Management by football. London: Management Books 2000 Ltd.
6. Tiesler, NC (2008). Globalised football: nations and migration, the city and the dream. London: Routledge.