
ARTiculation (藝・述)

‘ARTiculation’ is an art education programme cultivating the skills and creativity of students to communicate their ideas through different forms of art, and facilitating them to revisit the concept of art by relating it to wider context and human life.

Latest Activities

 “Sunset Rollerbus” Urban Observation Experience (「日落飛巴」城市觀察體驗)

Date:15 March 2025 (Sat)
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Gathering Venue:West Kowloon Station
Target:HSUHK undergraduate students
Registration:Link here
Register early as seats are limited
Remarks:Participants who attend the tour will be awarded 1 iGPS unit.

M+ Guided Tour on “I. M. Pei: Life Is Architecture” (「貝聿銘:人生如建築」展覽導賞團)

Date:14 November 2024(Thu)
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue:M+, West Kowloon Cultural District
(One-way transportation to the event location will be arranged.)
Target:HSUHK undergraduate students
Quota:20 participants
Registration:Link here
Register early as seats are limited
Remarks:Participants who attend the tour will be awarded 1 iGPS unit.

Oil Pastel Landscape Painting Workshop (透明板油粉彩風景畫工作坊)

Date:25 April 2024 (Thu)
2:30pm – 4:00pm
Venue:D409, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building
Target:HSUHK undergraduate students
Quota:20 participants
Registration:Link here
Register early as seats are limited
Remarks:Participants who attend the workshop will be awarded 1 iGPS unit.

Phonetography Workshop (手機攝影工作坊)

Date:5 October 2023 (Thu)
1:00pm – 2:30pm (Introduction to “Phonetography”)
3:00pm – 5:00pm (Outdoor Photography Tutorial)
*Participants need to attend both sessions.
Venue:Cha Kwo Ling Village & Lei Yue Mun
Target:HSUHK students
Quota:15 participants
Registration:Link here
Register early as seats are limited
Remarks:Participants who attend the workshop and completed the specified requirement will be
awarded 1.5 iGPS units or 4 ECA hours.