Revision of Year of Study for GE Cluster Elective Modules Offered by SSC The current study year of the following modules will be aligned with modules at level 1 and will be available to Year 2-4 students upon the completion of the GE Core module...Read More
Date: Time:Event Type: Speaker: Venue:Language:Thursday, 17 October 201919:00 – 21:00Common Core Curriculum譚蕙芸(《鏗鏘說》主持,《文字欲:回應時代的特寫新聞》作者,現職中文大學新聞與傳播學院講師及《明報》特寫新聞專欄作者,前《明報》及有線新聞台記者)蔡玉玲(曾任職香港電台及傳真社,現職獨立調查記者及編導,製作《鏗鏘集》等節目)Fung Yiu King Hall (A401)CantoneseRead More
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