GEN1010 History and Civilisation

Social Science
AY2010/11 Sem 2, AY2011/12 Sem 1, AY2011/12 Sem 2, AY2012/13 Sem 1, AY2012/13 Sem 2, AY2013/14 Sem 1, AY2014/15 Sem 1, AY2015/16 Sem 1, AY2016/17 Sem 1, AY2017/18 Sem 1, AY2018/19 Sem 1, AY2019/20 Sem 1
Lecture 3 hours
1 (Humanities)


GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education 



Module Description

This module aims to provide an overview of the western history and civilisations. Students are able understand the conceptual importance of issues such as the rise and fall of ancient, medieval, and modern societies, as well as values and beliefs beyond their chronological significance. Emphasis falls on the core issues of renaissance, reformation, exploration, revolution, enlightenment, colonialism and globalisation. This module also attempts to increase students’ awareness of cultural diversity and help them understand global historical developments.

Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILO)

Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 
a. master the major concepts in the study of civilisation; 
b. analyse the transformation from feudalism to modernity from an economic perspective; 
c. critically review how the civilisations are connected and impact one another as part of a global village; and 
d. evaluate the significance of historical research

Module Content

1. What is civilisation?

1.1 Different definitions of civilisation
1.2 The relation of civilisation with other cultural concepts

2. The first civilisations

2.1 Mesopotamian civilisations
2.2 Sumerian civilisation
2.3 Egyptian and Hebrew civilisations

3. The Classical Period

3.1 Greek civilisation and philosophy
3.2 The Greek city-states and the birth of democracy
3.3 The Classical Period

4. The Medieval Era and the Age of Enlightenment

4.1 Humanism
4.2 Renaissance
4.3 The Reformation

5. Geographical discoveries and capitalism

5.1 Transformation of feudalism
5.2 Establishment of trade networks
5.3 Colonialism
5.4 Industrial revolution and its impacts on society

6. Globalization in our Times

6.1 Silk Road during the Roman Empire (1st to 7th century)
6.2 Rise of nationalism over liberalism and role of ideology as a motivating force in politics in the 19th century
6.3 The development of STM (Science, Technology & Medicine) in our times and its impact to society

Assessment Methods

1. Mid-term Exam (25%)
2. Tutorial/ Class Presentation (15%)
3. Written Report (20%)
4. Final Examination (40%)

Texts & References

1. Judith Coffin, et. Al (2013)., History of Western Civilization (18th edition). NY: WW Norton*
2. J. Oysterhammel and N. Peterson (2005). Globalization: A Short History. N.J: Princeton University Press.
3. 古偉瀛編著(2006)。《歷史的轉捩點》。臺北市 : 臺大出版中心。*
4. Duiker, W. J., & Spielvogel, J. J. (2010). World History to 1800. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
5. Freeman, C. (2004). Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean (2 nd ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
6. Freeman, C. (2004). The Closing of the Western Mind. New York: Alfred Knopf.
7. Kagan, D., Ozment, S., & Turner, F. M. (2002) The Western Heritage (Brief Edition). N.J: Prentice Hall.
8. Kishlansky, M., Geary, P., & O’Brien, P. (2008). Civilization in the West. New York: Pearson.
9. Spielvogel, J. J. (2002) Western Civilization: A Brief History (Comprehensive Volume). CA: Thomson Learning/Wadsworth.
10. Tierney, B., Kagan, D. & Williams, L. P. (1992). Great Issues in Western Civilization, 3 volumes. New York: McGraw-Hill.
11. Harman, C. (2008). A People’s History of the World. London & NY: Verso.*