HSUHK puts quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its highest priorities. Our “Liberal + Professional” education model incorporates the iGPS “desired graduate attributes” framework, with the aim of nurturing our students to become responsible global citizens with critical thinking, innovative minds, caring attitude, moral values and a sense of social responsibility.
The University is also committed to respond to the challenges identified by the United Nations (UN) through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to play an active part in addressing the issues of inequality, health, education, disaster prevention, poverty, environment and well-being through its teaching and learning experiences. In view of this, the new interdisciplinary GE Cluster Modules are designed to map against the 17 SDGs, namely SDG 6 Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals etc.
In addition, UNESCO has been promoting global citizenship education since 2012, which made fostering global citizenship one of its three education priorities. The UNESCO has published a guidance, titled Global Citizenship Education: Topics and learning objectives, for educators to ensure that learners of all ages and backgrounds can develop into informed, critically literate, socially-connected ethical and engaged global citizens.