GEN1014 Introduction to Ethnomusicology: Music and Culture

Social Science
AY2010/11 Sem 2, AY2011/12 Sem 2, AY2012/13 Sem 1, AY2013/14 Sem 1, AY2013/14 Sem 2, AY2014/15 Sem 1, AY2015/16 Sem 1, AY2015/16 Sem 2, AY2016/17 Sem 1, AY2017/18 Sem 1, AY2018/19 Sem 1, AY2019/20 Sem 1, AY2020/21 Sem 1, AY2021/22 Sem 1, AY2021/22 Sem 2, AY2022/23 Sem 1, AY2022/23 Sem 2
Lecture 3 hours
1 (Humanities)


GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education



Module Description

This module introduces some basic concepts of ethnomusicology for the enhancement of basic listening and analytical skills. It is designed to survey selected musical areas of Africa and the Americas, Europe, and Asia. By learning about the music of different regions, students gain new understanding of their own musical traditions, contemporary music lives, and also of music in other geographic regions. We explore the sounds and structures of various musical traditions and contemporary genres; different ethnic communities and their musical activities in sociocultural contexts; and other related issues.

Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILO)

Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 
a. examine the fundamental knowledge and meanings of major musical cultures; 
b. identify the stylistic features of representative/well-known music pieces; 
c. demonstrate the appreciation in the creative and critical comprehension of world music 
d. value the significance and transformation of music within all societies.

Module Content

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction to world musics
1.2 Ideas of music-culture
1.3 Basic concepts of ethnomusicology

2. Selected musical areas

2.1 Africa
2.2 North America
2.3 Native America
2.4 Black America
2.5 Latin America
2.6 Chinese Periphery
2.7 Indonesia
2.8 Japan/Korea

Assessment Methods

1. Class participation (10%)
2. Tests (40%)
3. Project (50%)

Texts & References

  1. Titon, J. T. ed. (2017). Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World’s Peoples (shorter version, 4th edition). Belmont, CA: Schirmer/Thomas Learning (with two accompanying CDs).*
  2. Nettl, B. & Stone, R. ed. (2020). The Garland Encyclopaedia of World Music Online. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street Press. (10 Volumes).
  3. Shahriari, Andrew. (2017). Popular World Music (2nd edition). NY: Pearson.
  4. Shelemay, K. K. (2015). Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World (3rd edition). NY: Norton.