MGT1021 Chinese Psychology and Business Ethics 中國人心理與商業道德

Common Core Curriculum Office (CCCO) > MGT1021 Chinese Psychology and Business Ethics 中國人心理與商業道德
AY2016/17 Sem 1, AY2016/17 Sem 2, AY2017/18 Sem 1, AY2021/22 Sem 1, AY2021/22 Sem 2, AY2022/23 Sem 1, AY2022/23 Sem 2, AY2023/24 Sem 1
Lecture 3 hours
4 (Moral Reasoning)


GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education / Subject to Instructor’s Discretion



Module Description

Business ethics are a set of beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad in a business setting. Such beliefs appear to be spontaneous, sentimental, and personal. However, they stemmed substantially from people’s social cultures and values that incline them to act or to choose in one way rather than another. In Hong Kong, business ethics may even be more complex insofar as Western and Chinese ideologies are intertwined. In this module, three major components are addressed. The first component has to do with moral theories, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. The second component has to do with Chinese ideologies, such as ren (benevolence), yi, (righteousness), and li (courtesy). The third component has to do with business ethics, such as ethical leadership, marketing ethics, and employee responsibilities. This module puts emphasis on encouraging students to think, to reason, and to criticize based on moral theories and principles from the interplay between Western and Chinese ideologies, rather than on providing right or wrong answers or promoting a specific set of conclusions. Accordingly, students are equipped to internalize the moral principles and apply them in their daily lives in the Chinese societies.

Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILO)

Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: 
a. Identify and examine the understanding of moral reasoning and business ethics.
b. Interpret the characteristics of Chinese people from multidisciplinary perspectives, including psychological and sociological disciplines. 
c. Critically evaluate Chinese cultures and values from business ethics standpoints. 
d. Select appropriate moral principles for living and working in the Chinese sociocultural contexts.

Module Content

1. Introduce various important philosophical thoughts on moral reasoning, such as Unitarianism, Libertarianism, civic virtue, and justice, etc.

2. Study fundamental issues of business ethics, such as moral rights in the workplace, ethical leadership, marketing ethics, and employee responsibilities, etc.

3. Examine a wide range of Chinese ideological issues, such as Chinese personality structure, Chinese values, beliefs in Chinese culture, Chinese achievement motivation, Chinese childhood socialization, Chinese personal relationships (guanxi), Chinese social interaction, and filial piety, etc.

4. Explore, integrate, and criticize the interplays among moral reasoning, business ethics, and Chinese psychology.

Assessment Methods

1. Class participation (10%)
2. Test (20%)
3. Group Presentation (30%)
4. Individual Paper (40%)

Texts & References

1. Bond, M. H. (Ed.) (2010). The Handbook of Chinese Psychology. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
2. DesJardins, J. (2023). An Introduction to Business Ethics (7/E). Boston: McGraw-Hill. *
3. Sher, G. (Ed.) (2012). Ethics: Essential Readings in Moral Theory. New York: Routledge.
4. Sun, C. T. L. (2013). Themes in Chinese Psychology (2/E). Hong Kong: Cengage Learning.*
5. Sandel, M. J. (2010). Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? London: Penguin Books.
6. Baggini, J. (2006). The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten: 100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher. New York: Plume.
7. Buderi, R., & Huang, G. T. (2006). Guanxi (The Art of Relationships): Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates’ Plan to Win the Road Ahead. London: Random House Business Books.
8. Fritzsche, D. J. (2005). Business Ethics: A Global and Managerial Perspective (2/E). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
9. Angle, S. C. (2002). Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-cultural Inquiry. New York: Cambridge University Press.
10. 金耀基 (2010). 從傳統到現代. 北京: 法律出版社.
11. 林語堂 (2005). 吾國與吾民. 香港: 天地圖書有限公司.
12. 梁漱溟 (1990). 中國文化要義. 香港: 三聯書店.
13. 方東美 等 編 (1984). 中國人的心靈: 中國哲學與文化要義. 東海大學哲學系編譯.
14. 李亦園, 楊國樞 編 (1981). 中國人的性格: 科際綜合性的討論. 台灣: 全國出版社.