New GE Modules in Semester 1, AY2021/22

Common Core Curriculum Office (CCCO) > Announcements > New GE Modules in Semester 1, AY2021/22

Responsible Global Citizenship

The Five Interdisciplinary GE Cluster Modules

ENG1400 Film Art

This module aims to provide students with a broad introduction to film language and storytelling through cinematic codes. Drawing from different types of films from a range of film genres and styles, this module covers an introduction to film elements and basic knowledge needed for visual literacy, including shot types, film space, form and narrative, colour and lighting, film sound and editing. In addition to teaching students film language for analyzing film form and style, it enables students to read and experience film like a literary text that tells a story, expresses a mood, conveys a message, and/or reflects the change of human traditions. Students of the module will not only gain an appreciation of cinema, but also develop critical awareness of visual literacy and filmmaking techniques used in other visual media.

TRA1223 Language Issues in Environment Sustainability

This module provides a broad introductory survey of the significance, key concepts and related language issues in environmental sustainability. It is aimed at equipping students with both knowledge and awareness of related issues viewed from the perspective of language. It also familiarizes students with various types of discourses and texts common in the actual practice of environmental sustainability, thus enhancing their workplace linguistic sensitivity and employability in related private companies, government bodies, non-governmental organizations and social enterprises.

TRA1224 Living in Buddhism: In Dialogue with Bilingual Sūtras

With reference to selected Mahāyāna sūtras in Chinese and English, the module is designed to help students get familiar with the wisdom of living in Buddhism and ways of expressing Buddhist concepts in both languages. In addition to acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the history of Buddhist scripture translation, students are encouraged to (1) explore the essence of Buddhist philosophy and the internationalisation of Buddhism and (2) identify solutions to personal challenges and social issues through Buddhist scriptures.