MGT1025 Succeed with Others: Teamwork and Ethics
This module aims to prepare students for working in groups or teams in the workplace by examining ethical issues that commonly arise in small group settings. The focus will be on key ethical values, including justice, responsibility, reasonableness, and honesty. Students will learn how to promote these values in their group work while enhancing their understanding of teamwork and ethics.
TRA1225 Living In a Daoist Way: the Wisdom of Unattached Engagement in the Zhuangzi (道家處世之道:《莊子》入世而不執的智慧)
This module invites students to explore a Daoist understanding of “good life” by critically examining essential writings and selected translations of the Zhuangzi. Through discussion of jokes, myths, stories, metaphors, and paradoxical expressions in the Zhuangzi, the module aims at showing Zhuangzi’s wisdom of unattached engagement with the world, which is a Daoist way to live playfully and skillfully. It also familiarizes students with the key concepts, philosophical expressions, and texts in the Zhuangzi. In this module, students are encouraged to develop a good understanding of Zhuangzi’s philosophy and apply Daoist wisdom to everyday challenges.